2017 Acquisitions
This year some fascinating items were generously donated to our collection! We are most grateful to
the individuals and families who have helped to strengthen the Museum’s collections in making these gifts. Here’s a glimpse at what came in this year:
- Mid-19th century silk shawl believed to be worn by Frances Elizabeth Matilda Habersham Manigault or Josephine Manigault Jenkins; C. 1900 white embroidered dress worn by Josephine Manigault Jenkins. Donated by Lauren Northup.
- First edition of “A Day on Cooper River” by John B. Irving, M.D., 1842, and signed by the author’s brother. Donated by English Purcell.
- Silver candle snuffer owned by Charles Macbeth, UDC bronze medal owned by James Ravenel Macbeth, and two mourning rings possibly owned by Charles Macbeth. Donated by Ellen Boomer.
- 1840s silver teapot with overstrike mark of William Ewan of Charleston. Donated by Anonymous.
- Two “First Flight Air Mail” envelopes leaving Charleston and containing FDC cards, one dated 1931 and the other dated 1934; One handwritten letter on stationary with “The Oregon Department of The South Carolina, Inter-State & West Indian Exposition” dated 1902; One handwritten letter written by George Lewis in Charleston containing a “Charleston Hotel” stamp, dated 1850. Donated by Dr. John Brumgardt.
- Civil War diary kept by George W. Baxter of the 21st Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry detailing the troop’s movements throughout North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Donated by Victoria Weber.
- Coin silver trophy cup/goblet engraved for E.G. Stokes from the South Carolina Agricultural Society. Donated by Claire B. Allen.
- Bible printed in 1769 containing family birth and death dates for the Otis and Lincoln Families. Donated by Schuyler Pigott.
- Collection of hats worn by donor’s mother, Frances Mungin-Simmons. Donated by Queenie Mungin-Davis.
- Mid-19th century silver ice cream scoop marked by Thomas Wilmot of Charleston; Early-19th century silver sugar tongs marked by John Demoutet of Charleston. Donated by Anonymous.
- Drafting instruments for plat and map drawings handmade of brass and engraved by surveyor, Stephen Henry Boykin. Donated by Patricia Boykin.
- Collection of plats surveying land; Indenture dated April 9, 1761 between Francis and Anne Kinloch and William Blake; 1757 letter of partition from the Court of Pleas between Nathaniel and Hannah Pohill and Rice Price, Thomas Ellis, William Ellis, and Hugh Anderson; 1842 will of Eliza Rutledge Laurens; Will and testament for Elisa Elliott North of Rushicellor Plantation, dated 1865, signed in 1866, and re-certified in 1871. Includes land, buildings, and 56 named slaves. Donated by Albert N. Balzano.
- “The Charleston Museum Quarterly” 150th Anniversary Number, 1923; Collection of photos from The Charleston Museum and its exhibits when located at the College of Charleston and on Rutledge Ave; Photograph of a monument in the Presbyterian Churchyard that was “twisted” off its base by the 1886 Earthquake. Donated by Edward Rea.
- Two late-19th century silver entrée salad dishes owned by Beatrice Witte Ravenel and Samuel Prioleau Ravenel. Donated by Randolph Waring Beretta.
- Three bird vertebrae belonging to a bird skull already in the Museum’s collection. Donated by Vance McCollum.
- 365 letters between Mildred Stewart and George Clark during their service in World War II. Mildred was a nurse at Stark Hospital in Charleston. Donated by Mary Clark Johnson.
- Various 19th and 20th century infant’s clothing and accessories from the family of the donor’s mother, Isabella Harper Means (granddaughter of Rev. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Ester Heyward Barnwell). Donated by Patricia & Robert Prioleau
- 1920s woman’s cloche; 1920s silver mesh bag; 1920s woman’s pink crepe dress; 1924 pair of brown leather shoes worn by donor’s mother, Charlotte Lide McCrady; 1930s Shirley Temple Doll with dress, socks, and shoes; 20th century telephone cover. Donated by Charlotte M. Williams.
- 1913 limited edition copy of the book, “The Old Silver of American Churches” by E. Alfred Jones; 10 photographs of the South Carolina silver published in “The Old Silver of American Churches” framed with handwritten notes by the author. Donated by John LeHeup.