WAVE (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service)

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.
Black and white photograph of four WAVES officers posing for the camera and serving punch in celebration of the Halloween party at the Bachelor Officers' Quarters at the Tampa Shipbuilding Company. They are identified from left to right as, Lieutenant Octavie de Beaulieu (Supply Corps and Manager of the BOQ), Lieutenant Susan Magette (Supply Corps and Disbursing Officer), Ensign Mary Virginia Robertson (Public Information Officer) and Ensign Avis Tucker (Communications Officers).
- Title: WAVE (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service)
- Photographer: Unattributed
- Date: October 31, 1944
- Collection: Photograph Collection
- Object Name: World War II
- Object Id: MK 18313b
- Search Terms