Page 4: USS L. Mendel Rivers Submarine Keel Laying

Photograph of an unidentified woman pinning a corsage on the jacket lapel of Lois Marion Rivers at the keel laying ceremony for the USS L. Mendel Rivers. Miss Rivers was a daughter of its namesake, Congressman L. Mendel Rivers, who served as Chairman of the Armed Services Committee and was an outspoken advocate of nuclear propulsion for submarines and aircraft carriers. The image was removed from an old photograph album.
Gift of Margaret Middleton Rivers Eastman.
- Title: Page 4: USS L. Mendel Rivers Submarine Keel Laying
- Creator: Unattributed
- Date: June 26, 1971
- Collection: Photograph Album Collection
- Object Name: USS L. Mendel Rivers Keel Laying
- Object Id: 2018.30.23.4
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