Nights Freight Study

Contact The Charleston Museum for image use and credit instructions.
Watercolor of a night scene depicting a train loaded with cargo in red and yellow intermodal containers. It seemingly speeds through the dark on a twisting track that carries it from right to the left and then right again. Three trees are silhouetted against the darkness. The train emits a glow in the moonless night. Handwritten on the reverse reads: "Study for Nights Freight."
- Title: Nights Freight Study
- Creator: Mary Wilson Ball, 1892-1984
- Date: Undated
- Culture: American
- School: Charleston Renaissance Movement
- Dimensions: H-20 W-15 inches
- Collection: Works on Paper Collection
- Object Name: Mary Wilson Ball Artwork
- Other Name: Watercolor on Paper
- Object Id: 1975.32.247
- Search Terms