1916 Scientific Expedition, Lunch with the Roosevelts

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.


Black and white photograph of the scientific research team, with noted guests, former President Theodore Roosevelt and wife Edith, at the Tropical Research Station in the Bartica District of British Guiana (now Guyana). Identified on reverse as (R to L beginning with the woman in white at the end), "Rachel Hartley, [Theodore] Roosevelt, Anna Taylor, Donald Carter, Grace Withers, Mrs. Withers, Will Beebe, Mrs. [Edith] Roosevelt, Paul Howes, [George] Innes Hartley, Mr. [George B.] Withers."

Taylor described the lunch in a letter to E.M. Robertson dated March 3, "Our dining table for our lunch for 12 people was made of three rough boards nailed together and put on [saw] horses. Some of the party sat on boxes as there weren't enough chairs to go around...They were all amazed at the lunch Rachel and I managed to get up. We had veal, rice, butter beans, pumpkin, asparagus and mayonnaise, rice pudding and canned pears."