Birds of America Volume 1 (Plates 72)

Adopt-an-Audubon Plate sponsor benefits:

  • Credit on the bird label whenever it is exhibited
  • Recognition on the Museum’s digital donor board in the main lobby
  • Museum individual plus membership for 2 years (maximum of 2 years)
  • For adoptions of $6,000 or more, a copy of our 250th anniversary book, The Charleston Museum: America’s First Museum
  • For adoptions of $9,000 or more, an invitation to a private “behind the scenes” tour, for up to 4 people, of the Museum Archives and Collections Storeroom
For tax purposes, The Charleston Museum is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization by the Internal revenue Service, and your gift may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
Our Adopt-an-Audubon Plate Program is a means to support the Museum’s Archives collections and should in no way be construed as obtaining an ownership interest in these collections.



Swallow-tailed Hawk
Drawn from Nature & Published by John J. Audubon
Engraved, Printed & Coloured by R. Havell

The flight of this elegant species of Hawk is singularly beautiful and protracted. It moves through the air with such ease and grace, that it is impossible for any individual, who takes the least pleasure in observing the manners of birds, not to be delighted by the sight of it whilst on wing.

They sweep close over the fields, sometimes seeming to alight for a moment to secure a snake, and holding it fast by the neck, carry it off, and devour it in the air.

– John James Audubon



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