Birds of America Volume 1 (Plate 94)

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  • Credit on the bird label whenever it is exhibited
  • Recognition on the Museum’s digital donor board in the main lobby
  • Museum individual plus membership for 2 years (maximum of 2 years)
  • For adoptions of $6,000 or more, a copy of our 250th anniversary book, The Charleston Museum: America’s First Museum
  • For adoptions of $9,000 or more, an invitation to a private “behind the scenes” tour, for up to 4 people, of the Museum Archives and Collections Storeroom
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Our Adopt-an-Audubon Plate Program is a means to support the Museum’s Archives collections and should in no way be construed as obtaining an ownership interest in these collections.


Grass Finch, or Bay-winged Bunting
Drawn by Nature and Published by John J. Audubon
Engraved, Printed & Coloured by R. Havell

Its flight, which is easy, consists of a succession of gentle undulations, and, when it is chased, sometimes extends over the whole of a field. It is a solitary bird, and is rather pugnacious, for when two males or two females happen to meet, little skirmishes frequently ensue.

Having drawn the figure which you will see on referring to the plate, near the sea-shores of New Jersey, where the bird which it represents was shot while walking among little groups of the plant there vulgarly called the prickly pear, I have represented it also.

-John J. Audubon



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