Birds of America Volume 1 (Plate 59)

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Plate LIX

Chestnut-sided Warbler
Drawn by Nature and Published by John J. Audubon
Engraved, Printed & Coloured by R. Havell

In the beginning of May 1808, I shot five of these birds, on a very cold morning, near Pottsgrove, in the State of Pennsylvania. There was a slight fall of snow at the time, although the peach and apple trees were already in full bloom. I have never met with a single individual of this species since. They all had their wings drooping, as if suffering severely from the sudden change of the weather, and had betaken themselves to the lower rails of a fence, where they were engaged in searching after insects, particularly spiders. I procured every one of those which I met with that morning, and which were five in number, two of them males, and the rest females.

– John J. Audubon



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