Birds of America Volume 1 (Plate 56)

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  • Recognition on the Museum’s digital donor board in the main lobby
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  • For adoptions of $6,000 or more, a copy of our 250th anniversary book, The Charleston Museum: America’s First Museum
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Plate LVI

Red-shouldered Hawk
Drawn by Nature and Published by John J. Audubon
Engraved, Printed & Coloured by R. Havell

This bird is one of the most noisy of its genus, during spring especially, when it would be difficult to approach the skirts of woods bordering a large plantation without hearing its discordant shrill notes, ka-hee, ka-hee, as it is seen sailing in rapid circles at a very great elevation. Its ordinary flight is even and protracted, excepting when it is describing the circles just mentioned, when it often dives and gambols.

– John J. Audubon



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