Gabriel Manigault House, 290 Meeting Street

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.
Photograph of the side piazzas at the Gabriel Manigault House before it was demolished. Chamberlain wrote on verso, "Holmes House - SE corner of George & Meeting Sts. Apr. 1930." The 1929 Charleston City Directory lists a "Mrs. A.J.C. Holmes" as the resident and the 1930 directory lists it as vacant.
Built for Gabriel Manigault c. 1802, the house was purchased by Standard Oil Company and demolished shortly after this image was taken to make way for an Esso Service Station (see MK 20609a and MK 20609b).
- Title: Gabriel Manigault House, 290 Meeting Street
- Photographer: Chamberlain, Edward Burnham, 1895-1986
- Date: April 1930
- Collection: Photograph Collection
- Object Name: Charleston Historic Houses
- Object Id: MK 8682
- Address: 290 Meeting Street
- Search Terms