Folly Island Back Beach

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.
Sepia photograph of a water craft with a dinghy in tow moving up the Folly River. The photographer took the image through a set of trees. Handwritten on reverse reads, "Back beach; launch of Clarence R. I. Brown. Property of Mrs. Courtenay Olney." Mrs. Courtenay Olney is thought to be Mary Helen Lee, wife of Courtenay and sister-in-law of Lottie S. Olney. This image was removed from the collection of the 1950s Folly Beach Township records available in the Manuscript Collection of the Archives.
Please contact the Museum's archivist with any information regarding the Olney family and/or early Folly Island development.
- Title: Folly Island Back Beach
- Photographer: Unattributed
- Date: c. 1918
- Collection: Photograph Collection
- Object Name: Beaches and Islands
- Object Id: 1996.51.1b
- Search Terms