Dugout Canoe Excavation

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.
Photograph of director, E. Milby Burton, supervising the removal of a dugout canoe on Kiawah Island. Three men are actively shoveling sand. Please contact the Museum's archivist for any information regarding the identity of the men with shovels.
The dugout canoe was discovered by Charleston Heights resident Homer C. Antley while fishing near a creek bank off Kiawah Island owned by Charles Clarence "CC" Royal of Augusta, Georgia. After spending several days attempting to unearth the water-logged canoe from 8-10 feet of sand, Burton called a halt to the excavation to get more equipment. Unfortunately, when Museum staff returned to the site, a large crater was discovered and more than two-thirds of the 30-35 ft. dugout was destroyed. The salvagable pieces were removed to the Museum. Although vandalism was suspected, it was never proven.
- Title: Dugout Canoe Excavation
- Photographer: News & Courier Staff
- Date: May 24, 1956
- Collection: Photograph Collection
- Object Name: Museum Excavations
- Object Id: MK 20554a
- Search Terms