Anderson's Heavy Battery

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.
Black and white photograph of soldiers marching past Central Wharf (on what is now Concord Street) toward the ferries for Sullivan's Island. The coaling station of Consumer's Coal Co. is visible in the background and a portion of the US Custom House grounds can be seen to the far right. Printed from a glass plate negative held in the Museum's collection.
In 1898, Captain Edward Anderson of the 4th Brigade in the South Carolina State Militia, was tasked with raising volunteers to form the Battery of Heavy Artillery in the Spanish-American War. After making a call through the newspaper, four officers and 140 enlisted men were mustered into service on May 21, 1898. Reporting for duty at the Sullivan's Island Station on May 28th, 1898, they remained there until February 4th, 1899, never seeing active duty.
- Title: Anderson's Heavy Battery
- Photographer: Sams, Franklin Frost (Dr.), 1867-1937
- Date: May 1898
- Collection: Photograph Collection
- Object Name: Franklin Frost Sams Photographs
- Object Id: MK 7655
- Search Terms