Acetabularia crenulata, Green algae

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One pressed specimen of green algae, commonly known as mermaid's wineglass, that was collected circa 1830-1890, along with?the envelope it was mailed in. In addition, there are two specimens of red algae on the page with a note, "Laurencia obtusa mixed with Hypnea musciformis. Key West, Wurdemann."?
Acetabularia crenulata J.V.Lamouroux, 1816
- Site: FL; Monroe Co.; Key West
- Site Number: NH57Ia
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Phylum: Chlorophyta
- Class: Ulvophyceae
- Order: Dasycladales
- Family: Polyphysaceae
- Genus: Acetabularia
- Species: Acetabularia crenulata
- Collection: Herbarium Collection
- Object Name: Algaes
- Object Id: BY1650
- Search Terms