1916 Scientific Expedition, Mazaruni River

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.
Black and white photograph of Robert Cozier in a boat on the Mazaruni River. In his pulication "Tropical Wild Life in British Guiana; Zoological Contributions from the Tropical Research Station of the New York Zoological Society," William Beebe described Cozier as a "boviander" who worked for him and collected skins for a Mr. James McConnell. Taylor noted on reverse, "Boviander, Dutch, Negroe & Indian." See also MK 6782.
- Title: 1916 Scientific Expedition, Mazaruni River
- Photographer: [Beebe, Charles William, 1877-1962]
- Date: March-August, 1916
- Collection: Photograph Collection
- Object Name: Anna Heyward Taylor Photographs
- Object Id: MK 4481
- Search Terms