Charleston Bouquet Cross Stitch Kit
The Charleston Bouquet Cross Stitch Kit is an adaptation of “A New Fancy Pattern,” from The Hibernian Magazine, or Compendium of Entertaining Knowledge, London, November 1782. The paper pattern was the design source for several worked examples found in the magazine and are part of The Charleston Museum Collections. Most advertisers did not specify the sources of their patterns. However, several embroidered versions of the “New Fancy Pattern” featured in the above magazine issue are known. Two examples were worked in Charleston. One by Sarah Champneys was captured in a portrait of Sarah and her stepmother, Mary Harrey Champneys, by Edward Savage. The second piece was by an unknown embroiderer.
Finished size 6″ by 7″ on 18 count Charles Craft fabric. Kit includes material, DMC floss, needle, instructions, and color photograph of finished project. Designed by Barbara Bangser for The Posy Collection.