John Milner and the Fire of 1740 with Curator of Historical Archaeology Martha Zierden and Dr. Sarah Platt of College of Charleston

John Milner and the Fire of 1740 with Curator of Historical Archaeology Martha Zierden and Dr. Sarah Platt of College of Charleston

The Charleston fire of 1740 was a pivotal event in the city’s history, destroying nearly half of the colonial town. This opened city lots for building in new styles, replacing the medieval style buildings shown in the 1739 Prospect. The fire consumed the west side of Church Street, including the Heyward-Washington lot, where gunsmith and Royal Armourer John Milner’s property fell victim to the flames. Milner testified that he “watched his own house burn” while he scrambled to move the Colony’s arms to a secure location, rushing through the back lot onto Ropemaker’s Lane to Meeting Street. Ash from the destruction of Milner’s property blankets the archaeological site at the Heyward-Washington house as level 5. Ash clings to rusted nails and window glass is melted into odd shapes. Curator Martha Zierden and Dr. Sarah Platt of the College of Charleston will take you back to the day of the fire, describe events on the property, and share artifacts from John Milner’s home and gunsmith operation.

Reservations required.

$40 Museum Members | $55 Non-Members

Register online or call 843.722.2996 ext. 235.



11/16/2023, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm


The Heyward-Washington House
87 Church Street
Charleston, South Carolina 29401


Bookings are closed for this event.

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