Family Fun Event: Act!vated Story Theatre

01/09/2015 - 11/01/2015

10:30 am - 11:30 am

This national touring group will be bringing to life two folktales – "Anansi Goes Fishing" and "Something From Nothing." They don't just tell stories, they act!vate them with physical comedy,...

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Family Fun Event: Pirates!


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Yo Ho Ho! Come join the crew as pirates commandeer The Charleston Museum. Follow the map to find the buried treasure, create a pirate ship, and sign the pirate code...

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Identification Day: Natural History Edition


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Have you ever been exploring the outdoors and found something that looks really cool, but you're not sure what it is exactly? Are you a collector? Maybe you've had an...

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